Thursday 28 September 2017

Egg Retrieval

On Saturday September 23rd we had our scheduled Egg Retrieval (ER).

As luck and the wonderful timing of life would have it, Jake had his final customs exam for work scheduled at the same time, so unfortunately he wasn't able to come with me. He got up super early to do his thing at OFC, and then rushed off to his exam which started at 9 AM.

My mom and dad drove back from the cottage to take me to the ER. I was going to have conscious sedation so technically I would be legally impaired for 24 hours, which means I needed someone to drive me (thanks dad). I also wanted to have someone with me throughout the procedure and in the ER (thanks mom).

We showed up at OFC at 8:15 AM and my mom and I were brought into a separate area of the clinic that I had never seen before. My mom changed into scrubs and I changed into a lovely hospital gown. After that, we were given a locker where we could safely keep our things, and I was directed to a chair (a hospital-type Lazy-Boy chair). A nurse set me up with an IV in my hand and started giving me fluids and a medication that was supposed to help me relax and forget things (yeah... I don't think it worked...).

At exactly 9:15 AM, I had the ER. I walked into the ER with my IV cart in hand, and my mom not far behind. They gave me 3 doses of fentanyl through the IV to "help" with the pain (this was the conscious sedation)... but I really don't think the meds worked because it hurt like a F@#$ing B*&$%! My mom was able to sit beside me throughout the process.

Our results were much better than expected! Based on the last ultrasound we had, it looked like I would only have about 5-8 follicles (and not all of those would have eggs), but it turned out that those follicles grew like crazy in the last 3 days and I had around 15 follicles. They were able to retrieve 12 eggs. OUCH! But that was good news!

The whole procedure lasted about 15-20 minutes and definitely wasn't a walk in the part, but we were very happy with the result! Here we are showing how many eggs were retrieved = 12!

After the procedure, I had to rest at OFC for an hour. They gave me some more fluids and offered me some food. I had to make sure I could pee before I could leave lol. Finally that happened and we left that morning.

I felt decent when leaving OFC and for the majority of the afternoon after the ER; however, that evening was HELL ON EARTH! I have never experienced such awful pain. Jake ended up calling the doctor-on-call at OFC during the night to see what I could do to help the pain. Luckily, they allowed me to take a Percocet (which I had left over from our miscarriage) and that made me feel so much better and I was finally able to sleep!

The next 2 days after the ER were also very painful. I had to take Tylenol every 4-6 hours, but it didn't seem to do much for the pain. My stomach was very tender and swollen! It was difficult to walk around - even getting in and out of bed sucked.

Luckily, by Tuesday, I was feeling almost 100% and back to my normal self!

Hopefully I never have to have an ER again in my life, but if I do, I will be more mentally prepared for the awfulness of the procedure and recovery!

Now let me back up in time again. So the day after the ER (Sunday September 24th), we were called by OFC and told that of the 12 eggs we had, 7 were successfully fertilized using ICSI. That was good news for us as well! From there, we needed to wait until Wednesday September 27th which was day 3 following the ER. We would be told how many fertilized eggs survived and if they were going to do a day 3 or 5 transfer.

Also as life would have it (good ole' life), there was one other potential snag in the process. Due to all the hormones in my body from the injections, the doctor found fluid in my uterus during the ER. This was fine during the ER, but it could potentially impact the transfer if the fluid was still there. If the fluid was still there on the day of the transfer (day 3 or day 5), they most likely wouldn't proceed with a transfer because there would be no chance of the embryo implanting - it would just float around in there.

So that brings us to day 3 after the ER - and I'll do a separate post about all that jazz!

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